The first day of 2013! It's a bit dull over here, but no
reason to be down. I've made a list of the FOUR things that will help start the year off great. These are, however, valid for all the way through the year so just
because you didn’t get started on any of them yet does not mean it’s too late!
1. CLEAN up your
Something I have personally been meaning to do and will do.
How much stuff we store that is truly slowing things down (that's a no-brainer). It is of course good to make
a regular habit out of doing this more than once a year, but if you are like
me you might let things pile up a bit. I
have too many photos on my desktop and files that could be sorted out better.
While I was growing up my brother used to make fun of me for spending so much
time organizing! However, there really are good merits in such acts because even
the act of organizing your desk, your office and your room makes you feel clearer
mentally and more on top of things.
Yes, since moving to Europe I’ve had the opportunity to
really spend some quality time in my kitchen. Something that as a small
business owner and teacher I did not have the time for at all! I never cooked
my own cookies from scratch, soup from my own vegetable stock, attempted to pickle
my own kimchi and lots of other fun foods. I am not an expert by any means, but have learned
as I go and get better each time! Cooking is a true spiritual practice that is
good for your body and soul.
Here's a link to one of my cookie recipes.
3. Breathe and MEDITATE.
A lot of people think just because they can't spend hours
and hours on it you won't get very far. This is actually not the case. Spending
even just 2 MINUTES is going to change your mood, mind and feelings! One of my
teachers Swami Veda Bharati said 2 minutes is really good! So take the time when
you are in car, riding the sub-way, standing in a line waiting, cleaning your
house or any other mundane activity!
Find your ‘out’ breath and focus on it slowly leaving your nose.
Then as you inhale let it slowly come into your awareness. Repeat the cycle feeling
the genuine greatness of exhaling and how the inhalation is filled with a new
moment, life and vitality. Let thoughts pass and slowly focus on making both the ‘out’
and ‘in’ slow and steady. See how much better you’ll feel at the end and it was only 2 minutes!
4. Let Yourself DREAM.
View from a castle hill in Alsace, France.
Open a new word document now. I'm a
BIG fan of keeping a journal or a log. Write down the things you like, love and
want to do! Go outside and take a look at the sky! How often we even to forget
to look up especially if you don’t live near a beach, the water or in the country.
The sky, however, is always there and it’s beautiful. Take a moment to let your
mind enjoy the different shades of the sky. By doing so it allows the more
intuitive parts of the mind to rise and inspire you.
Happy 2013 to everyone...! Thank you for following and thank
you for reading and sharing your thoughts!
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